Updates from my website and the world of dance science.

Updates from my website and the World of Dance Science


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

in contact

August 2010


Dance Teacher Summit
The Hilton Hotel 
New York City, NY 
August 2-4, 2010
The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries will be participating in the 2010 Dance Teacher Summit at The Hilton Hotel in NYC from August 2-4th. This annual conference attracts hundreds of dance teachers from around the world to learn from master teachers through a variety of movement sessions, seminars and workshops. To learn more about the 2010 Dance Teacher Summit or for information on upcoming conference dates, visit their website atwww.danceteachersummit.com.
Cracking the Core
Gina Gibney Studios
890 Broadway 
August 23, 2010
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries, in collaboration with Dance/NYC, will be presenting a workshop for dancers and dance teachers, entitled “Cracking the Core”. This workshop will take place on August 23rd and marks the beginning of a series of workshops offered by the HCDI and Dance/NYC team to provide state-of-the-art healthcare information to the dance community. "Cracking the Core" workshop content will include a review of the functional anatomy and importance of the core musculature in injury prevention. The workshop will also provide practical instruction in how to strengthen the core muscles specifically for the demands of dance. Space is limited. Please RSVP for this event by visitinghttp://crackingthecore.eventbrite.com/

Research Studies

Strength Training Study
The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries is looking for adolescent male dancers to participate in a six week upper extremity strength training program. Participants must be enrolled in ballet classes, be in good health and between the ages of 12 and 16 years. The study measures the effect of a three-time per week strength training program before and after a six week participation commitment. Each session lasts for one hour.
Please call or e-mail us to discuss the study further or to volunteer:
Leigh Heflin, MSc or Alison Deleget, MS, ATC
212-460-0153 or harkness@nyumc.org
Jump Study
The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries is looking for male professional or collegiate dancers and male and female professional or collegiate athletes to take part in a scientific research study investigating the effects of fatigue on jumping ability. Participants must be in good health and between the ages of 18 and 40 years. Each participant will be asked to jump from a height of approximately 15 inches onto a flat surface while measurements of joint motion, muscle activity, and force are taken.
A $50 cash honorarium will be given to all participants.
To go behind the scenes with the Harkness Center's team of experts and see a demo of the research protocol on NY1 click here. To see the related article in the New York Times click here.
Please call or e-mail us to discuss any questions you have about this project or to volunteer:
Megan Richardson, MS, ATC
212-460-0157 or harkness@inbox.com

Tip of the Month

Yoga can be a great complement to your dance training. Unfortunately, yoga injuries are on the rise. This may be due to crowded classes, under-informed teachers, or a student’s tendency to be overly competitive in class. Other times, a student’s specific body type may contribute to an injury which is often the case with dancers. Dancers tend to be overly flexible and it is this quality that can get them into trouble with certain yoga poses.
TIP: Protect your shoulders in DOWNWARD FACING DOG
The pose “downward dog” can put undue stress on the shoulder joint if not performed with a modicum of restraint. Many dancers tend to “hang” and over extend through the shoulders and spine in downward dog position, putting the shoulder ligaments at risk of overstretching. Ligaments are designed to stabilize the shoulder joint and overstretching them can cause instability, clicking and joint pain. Over time, loosening of the ligaments can even lead to dislocation of the shoulder joint. To protect your shoulder joints in downward dog position, engage your scapular muscles to provide support for the arms and wrists ensuring correct and proper alignment of the shoulder joint. Avoiding the “hang” behavior in the downward dog position will allow for a healthier yoga and dance practice for years to come.

The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries’ On-Going Services Include:

Orthopaedic Medical Care and Consultations
Orthopaedic Surgery Services
Dance Physical Therapy and Athletic Training Services
FREE Injury Prevention Assessments
Injury Prevention Lectures and Workshops
Biomechanical Research and Analysis
Raked Stage Evaluations
Therapeutic Pilates and Yoga
Fitness and Private Coaching
Financial Assistance for the Un- and Under-Insured Dancer
Visit our website for further information or call the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries to schedule an appointment.

Help Support Our Next 20 Years

The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries is part of a not-for-profit organization that survives on contributions from the dance community and its friends. Help us to continue our services for another 20 years by becoming a supporter of the Center.


This newsletter is published by The Harkness Center for Dance Injuries


Dance and the Power of Ageing Symposium 
Saturday, September 4th, 2010
University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton

Where: Symposium will be held in Wolverhampton on the 
University Campus , room MC413 of the Millennium City Building. 

This is within easy walking distance of Wolverhampton Rail Station with direct links from both Manchester and London Euston
City Campus Map:

When: Registration and coffee at 10:30. First session begins at 11:00. The day will finish at 16:00. 

Tickets: £25 (to include lunch and coffee)

To pre-register or for further information please contact Vicky Coley at 01902323255 or email Vicky.Coley@wlv.ac.uk
Speakers to include: 

Professor Helen Thomas, Director of Doctoral Programmes, University of the Arts London
Dr. Matthew Wyon, Reader in Performance Science, University of Wolverhampton
In addition, a round table of working and retired professional dancers discussing the influence of ageing on their careers.


Bodysurf Scotland

Bodysurf Scotlandspacer
Skinner Releasing Technique
Introductory Skinner Releasing Technique - Weekend Intensive 
with Kirsty Alexander
24th - 26th September 2010
alt Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) is an innovative approach to dance and movement training which has been continually developed by Joan Skinner for over 40 years. spacerThe technique has evolved from the simple principle that when we are releasing tension and habitual holding patterns we can move more freely, powerfully and articulately.spacerIn an SRT session image guided floor work and hands on tactile studies evoke spontaneous movement, and are used to facilitate the letting go of tensions; a deeper kinaesthetic experience of movement; an effortless way of moving and an integration of technical growth and creative process. Uniquely, experienced dancers study alongside beginners, each working at their own rate. spacerAfter studying law, then training in dance at Laban, Kirsty enjoyed an extensive performance career with Gaby Agis, Rosemary Butcher, Gill Clarke, Station House Opera, Michael Clark, and Michel Laub. She is a certified teacher of Skinner Releasing Technique and serves on the Creative Council of the Skinner Releasing Institute in Seattle. Kirsty is associate editor of the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, and also pursues an interest in epistemology and moral philosophy from a kinaesthetic perspective. She has taught in a wide variety of community, professional and educational contexts, was Head of Undergraduate Studies at Laban from 2000-2004 and Assistant Director of London Contemporary Dance School from 2005 to 2010.spacer'Kirsty was one of my first ever 'release' based dance teachers. Her graceful and delightful teaching approach leads to spontaneous new ways of moving and gives rise to joyfully unexpected movement vocabulary.' Karl Jay-Lewin (AD of Bodysurf Scotland) spacerAll Welcome! Skinner Releasing is a dance class for professionals, newcomers and beginners alike: all those interested in exploring their creativity through moving.spacer Friday 7.30pm — 9.30pm, Saturday and Sunday 11am — 1pm and 2pm — 4pm spacerCost: Weekend £90/£70
20% discount on full price, available to groups of three or more, non-Findhorn residents.
Bookings: Please send a 25% non-refundable deposit to Bodysurf Scotland, The Universal Hall, Findhorn, Moray IV36 3TZ Scotland or visit our website.
Further information and accommodation options from: www.bodysurfscotland.co.uk
+44(0)1309 691661 admin@bodysurfscotland.co.uk
Reg office, 201 The Park, Findhorn Forres IV36 3TB, Scottish Co No SC260642
All content © Bodysurf Scotland 2007-2009

Friday, 13 August 2010

International Physical Theatre Laboratory

November 28 - December 4, 2010

Retzhof Castle - Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria

International Physical Theatre Laboratory
November 28 - December 4, 2010Retzhof Castle - Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria
Intensive practical training, lectures, discussions and the conference programme.
Participants: actors of physical, dramatic, dance and musical theatres, dancers, choreographers, circus performers and directors. The working language is English.
To apply for participation, candidates should send a brief cover letter with CV/resume.
Programme, registration, contact details: http://www.iugte.com/projects/OstrenkoLab.php
Photo gallery of the past event:
The nearest international airports are in Graz and Vienna.
The programme will take place at the historic 15th century castle.
Accommodation and meals are organized for the group.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Call for Dance Schools/Groups,
is inviting participants, directors, choreographers, dancers, performing arts educators, teachers, and arts managers.



Showcases/Competitions for emerging & established Dance Schools, 
Companies and Groups from all over the World! 

We hope summer is happening for you and you're enjoying the great 
outdoors and our freedoms with your loved ones or just by yourselves. 

We have been asked many times from Dance Directors when We was 
available to do dance europe competitions for any levels.

So we decided than this year was the time to begin and had create a 
nice flyer to advertise this new approach for booking dance competitions. 
A dance planing that can be booked on any date and at any location here in 
europe, in Spain, Italy or in Paris.

Would you please open the FLYER <http://web.tiscali.it/catalunia2011dance/&gt;
for Dance Europe Competitions and other attachments and if interested PLEASE give 
us your e.mail contact to discuss any questions you may have. 

If you could also forward this email to your friends and contact that are 
in the dance organizzation and arts business, I'd be very appreciative and thankful 
to you. THANKS so much for your support and assitance.

We highly recommend everybody, to subscribe the Reg. Form and reserve your 
participation ASAP, due to high affluence, so please hurry ut! once we have reached the 
max apacity of registrations, it won't possible to enroll any other apllications.

Warm regards,

Just fill in the form, and you will receive (free on charges)
the new brochures and posters for the DANCE SEASON 2011!

please send to the organizer E-Mail:

Full Name:_________________________________________

School/Company Name: _____________________________



Email Address:______________________________________

Shipping Address:____________________________________

City:____________________ State/Province:______________

Country:_______________________ ZIP/Postal:___________

YDE Newsletter Banner

Fancy a Career in Dance?

Fancy a Career in Dance?We have just updated our Guide to Careers in Dance to help all young people interested in starting a career in dance to make an informed decision about the breadth of possibilities open to them. The Guide contains information and tips including:
  • Details of the vast range of careers available in the dance sector
  • The different qualifications and experience relevant to each profession
  • Information on progression routes
  • Case studies of established professionals explaining how they got where they are today
  • Useful links to organisations that can help you develop your career
► Download the Guide to Careers in Dance

YDE's National Young Dance Ambassadors

YDE's National Young Dance AmbassadorsYDE's National Young Dance Ambassadors recently took part in the U.Dance England 2010 residential where they met with the young participants and led engagement sessions with them. They came together on the last day to take part in a discussion with YDE's Programme Evaluator, Alun Bond, with who they discussed their views about youth dance provision in England today, what they thought its positive aspects were and where they found challenges needed to be overcome and improvements made.
Ambassador Lowenna Hosken, 17 from the South West, said“It has been an amazing opportunity to meet with these young people and find out their thoughts and  feelings about how they participate in dance in their regions”.
YDE is pleased to announce the recruitment of two new Ambassadors: Kimberley Harvey, 23, performer and dance teacher as part of  CandoCo’s Associate Education team, and Chris Scott, 19, student at the London Contemporary Dance School. Both Kimberley and Chris have taken part in YDE initiatives in the past, and we are delighted that they have accepted to become Ambassadors for YDE's work and to help YDE champion dance for children and young people.
We are sorry to see two of our Ambassadors leave us but we are happy for them as they are moving on to very exciting places: Taha Ghauri, 18, has been accepted to study at the prestigious dance school P.A.R.T.S in Belgium, and James Cousins, 21, is about to start touring with Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake dance company! We wish them both all the best.
YDE's Ambassadors will next be meeting all together at YDE's Conference in September.
► Learn more about YDE's National Young Dance Ambassadors.

Welcome to our new Communications Manager

YDE is pleased to welcome Jane Packham as the new Communications Manager. Jane has previously worked in communications and marketing in the public and third sector, and has a background in local government, young people and culture. Please feel free to contact Jane at janep@yde.org.ukfor any press enquiries, to discuss media opportunities, campaigns, advocacy and marketing opportunities.

YDE Conference speakers announced

YDE Conference speakers announcedThe YDE Conference 2010 programme has now been released and the key speakers announced! These will include:
  • Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries
  • Michael Day, Executive Director, Training, Training and Development Agency for Schools
  • Lord Tony Hall, Chief Executive, Royal Opera House
  • Baroness Sue Campbell, Chair, Youth Sport Trust
  • Dr Maggie Atkinson, Children's Commissioner for England
  • Julie Dyson AM, National Director, Australian Dance Council - Ausdance
  • Wayne McGregor, Artistic Director, Wayne McGregor|Random Dance, and Youth Dance Champion
The above speakers and many more will be delivering a variety of keynote speeches and seminars, looking into workforce development in and beyond schools, insights into other countries' approach to children and young people's dance, dance as a means of engaging disengaged young people, discussing key developments in dance and health for young people, and of course discussing the new Ten Year Vision publication which will be launched at the Conference and from which a national strategy will be developed.
Don't forget to book your delegate pass now, there is only one month left before bookings close!

YDE Young Creatives
Remember applications for YDE Young Creatives 2011 are now open! So if you are between 15 and 19 and are passionate about creating dance, then find out more about the programme and download the application form here.
YDE Young Creatives 2010 performance

Focus on the East: Youth Dance Agents

East Youth Dance, YDE's Regional Partner Organisation in the East region, has now launched its Youth Dance Agents scheme. Nine agents across the region will be helping East Youth Dance capture the dance activity happening locally to them. They will also be helping get more young people actively involved in East Youth Dance's work and the wider dance opportunities of the East.
► Have a look at their profile pages to find out about them and what they have been getting up to lately.
East Youth Dance logo
YDE Funders logo footer

If you wish to cancel your subscription to this newsletter, click here

Performing Arts Conference inviting Participants International Conference

"Performing Arts Training Today" is inviting participants - actors, directors, choreographers, dancers, performing arts educators, teachers, musicians, singers, composers, stage designers, painters, mask makers, multimedia artists, scriptwriters, playwrights, theatre critics, journalists and arts managers 

December 1 - 4, 2010

Retzhof Castle Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria 

 PROGRAMME: "Spreading Roots" - Presentation with Jan Erkert - dance-maker, choreographer and teacher (USA)."PLAA - Physical Language Analysis for Actors" - Workshop with Karin Abromaitis - director, performer, movement, fight and dance choreographer, teacher (USA). "The Speaker that Cannot Move: How Linguistic Insights Can Inform Dance Practices"Presentation with Erin Dahlgren - dancer, researcher, teacher (USA).

Please follow the news on http://www.iugte.com/projects/program.phpThe programme has been regularly updated! 

Photo of the Past Conference: http://picasaweb.google.ru/globtheatre/IUGTEConference To apply for participation, candidates should send a brief cover letter with CV/resume. 

Registration and contact details: http://www.iugte.com/projects/registration.php The conference language is English. 

The conference will take place in the "Green Heart" of Austria, Styria Region, at the historic 15th century castle. Accommodation and meals are organized for the group. Nearest international airport - Graz, Austria.